7th NASCE Scientific Meeting

October 10 > 13, 2023 | NANCY, France


Abstract Submission

Do not miss the opportunity to present your work to prestigious faculty members and colleagues from all over the world.
The official abstract submission is now open until September 10, 2023

3 prizes will be awarded for the best abstracts !

General Instructions

■ Prepare your abstract in Microsoft Word or a plain text document
■ Have the names and institutions of authors
■ The abstract submitter is listed as the first author and presenting author.

1. The text should not exceed the 300 words and it should be justified
2. The main title should be in capital letters
3. Authors’ names should be written in nominative, in small letters, the last name following the first name, i.e., George Brown
4. In a different line mention the names and institution of each co-author
5. Structure: introduction, aim, material, method, results, conclusions  

■ Please send your abstracts at the following email: abstractNASCE2023@hvl.healthcare

Congress venue

Hôpital Virtuel de Lorraine
Campus Brabois Santé
9 avenue de la Fôret de Haye
54500 Vandœuvre les Nancy

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