Originally established by teachers, CASDEN Banque Populaire has become the cooperative bank for the Civil Service as a whole. Sharing the values common to all civil servants, it understands its members’ needs and seeks to meet their expectations on a daily basis.
Thanks to the human relations they maintain at local level, a streamlined decision-making process and major digitisation of their offers and services, Banque Populaire establishments provide their individual clients and their families with a full range of banking and insurance services accessible online. And they’re always ready to help entrepreneurs develop and consolidate their activities.
Solidarity has always been at the heart of our activity.
ACEF is active in assisting and supporting associations and projects initiated by public service employees.
Becoming an ACEF member means making an active contribution to the success of actions carried out by our colleagues in a whole range of fields, including humanitarian action, disability, sport, culture, training, and equipment funding.
The NIT Foundation consolidates the renewed alliance between the University of Lorraine, enterprises and communities.
You’d like to contribute to improvement of hospitalisation conditions, acquisition of new equipment, or development of medical research…
A private health facility of collective interest, governed by Articles L6162-1 to 13 of the Public Health Code, the Lorraine Institute of Cancerology is authorised to accept donations.